This is me.
Waving Hand Emoji

I'm Tom Packebusch

Product Enthusiast, writes and thinks about Democracy, ❤️ Cooperatives.

Product leader with a passion for collaboration and empowering people. It's good, if it's fun.

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About me

I'm a product leader trying to make our everyday mobility more sustainable. As much as I love technology and being able to code and fiddle around, I believe that the answers to our most pressing problems are more to be found in social technologies. We need to change the way we live and work together and most importantly, how we interact with the world.

I think about Democracy a lot. I believe our multi party system is deeply flawed and that we need to trancend it into a multi body system out of several randomly elected citizen councils. You can read more humble thoughts about that in my writing or in the books of David Van Reybrouck or Bernard Manin.

I love to read. If you have good book recommendation, don't hesitate to reach out! Sometimes I consult companies on Product Management or on Process Automatisation via Low Code Platforms. Feel free to reach out for that as well.

Tom talking on the Hausflotte final review.


💡 Product Management
❤️ Democracy
🤝 Cooperatives
💾 Technology
🧠 Psychology
Interest Books



Why we need to trancend the electoral party system.

Elections are synonymous to Democracy. We somehow take it for granted that a functioning democracy needs to have regular, transparent and fair elections and a multiple party system. However we are seeing that many people loose trust in our institutions and especially in Europe and the US, we see a rise in right-wing populist governments. I think the diagnosis of the populists is right. The political elites do not act as if they care for their people. However I believe the populists treatment is wrong. Instead of electing others into the same parlaments we will need to trancend the electoral party system alltogether and replace it with a true democracy. Learn more in my recent blog post. Photo by Kyle Ryan on Unsplash


Enabling more people to not own a car.

Although I strongly believe that the transition to sustainable mobility needs to be driven (pun definitely intentended) by policy and not by private companies, I still want to do my part. I'm currently Head of Product at ANYMOVE where we try to make sustainable mobility accessible to anyone. Cars need to be shared and used, not owned.


Get in touch

If you want to get in touch, discuss projects or just have a chat. Pls reach out!

Tom Packebusch